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It is a parasitic disease which is caused by a bite of the infected mosquito named Anopheles also known as ‘night-biting’ mosquito. This parasite transmitted itself to human bloodstream by biting.
Once the malaria parasite gets into the bloodstream, it travels to the liver and fully developed there. Following a few days, the fully developed parasite begins to infect RBCs. After only 2 to 3 days, the parasite burst the infected cells and continues to infect more cells. Most of the time malarial symptoms develop within a few days to 4 weeks after the infection.
It’s not contagious and not passed from one person to another but could be life-threatening, if it’s not treated within 24 hours so early diagnosis prevents death. Most cases of malaria develop in people who travel to countries where malaria is more common because of no vaccine available to prevent malaria.
Malaria is the second most reportedly disease in Pakistan. And according to a report, every year almost 50,000 people die due to malaria.

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