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A chronic autoimmune disorder that escalates the life cycle of skin cells is termed as Psoriasis. It causes scaling on the surface of skin cells.
Our skin is growing too fast. Normally, new skin cells need about 28 days to migrate from deep within your skin to the surface, where they replace dead cells that fall away. But if you have psoriasis, the cycle is compressed into about four days. Skin cells pile up, causing distinctive red, bumpy patches covered with white scales. Sometimes these patches crack and bleed. It grows anywhere in the body but frequently develops on the knees, elbows, and scalp.
Psoriasis is not something you can catch so it is not contagious. It seems to be more prevalent in families than in others. It is also associated with some serious health issues like diabetes, depression and cardiovascular diseases. Mainly, people between the age group, 15-35 years often develop Psoriasis but can be developed at any age.
In Pakistan, around 5% of the population is suffering from Psoriasis, although skin diseases are not life-threatening but ha a psychological impact.

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